Last night I went to the biggest pageant in the world, well thats what they say. Anyways it was the Hill Cumorah pageant, my favorite of all the church pageants although the Arizona one is almost as good. Every year the youth go together on Wednesday night since that is there mutual night. This year we were fortunate enough to get a big coach bus so we could all ride together, it was so much better than everyone driving home at 12am. Anyways it was amazing as always, some different scenes but still wonderful. It defiantly gave me that spiritual boost that we sometimes need from time to time. Its crazy how my first few times I had gone to the pageant I wasn't sure exactly what was going on but loved the spirit from it all. But now that I have read the entire Book Of Mormon everything makes sense and it just is amazing. How grateful I am for that book, and for the gospel, without it I wouldn't be the person I am today It has brought great things to my life.

Mom and I b4 at home.

Megan my bff, her first time to pageant.
Aww LUCKY!!!!
My parents and sisters and brother went to the pageant last night! They're all in NY right now...I think they went to church in Palmyra today and are heading to visit my aunt and uncle in Rochester! I'll tell them to wave to you!
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