Sunday, December 7, 2008

Turkey Day

For Thanksgiving my sister came out to Vegas to visit. We had dinner at my great uncles house, my grandparents, aunt, and cousin came as well. It was a very nice meal. I tried to give my sister the best time I possibly could while she was here. We did lots, hung out on the strip, went to the wax museum and experienced Fremont street, as well as many other things. I brought her to school to show her off to my classes and my co-workers. She did cake decorating with my students and they loved it. They actual just got done baking their own cake and decorating it. All in all it was fun.. While she was here she got me in the xmas spirit, I bought a tree and she did an amazing job decorating it, I just got to pay for it all. I want to post pics of the tree but every time I take one it dosent do it justice, I will keep trying.

1 comment:

Rick and Collette said...

Ruth, finally pictures thank you