I stocked up pretty well on butter.. Dont worry I will be giving most of it away :) Any ways I spent a total of $6.23 not to bad..Plus the catalina machine printed 4.00 off your next order.. that was for buying the 3 promise tubs and the 4 biscuits..
My next stop was Walgreens to get free shampoo..
My total was $1.50.. I also got a cadbury egg but ate it..I needed a cheap filler item :)
Next stop was Ulta.. I had spent a ton of money at Ulta last year when I was getting $75 facials like every other week.. I dont know what I was thinking. Anyways I got an Ulta membership that tracts the money you spend. I was in the highest category of spending and was elgible for a free perfume among other things. I picked up the $45.00 perfume for free :)
And my last and final stop I made was at Safeway where my list I had made fell apart when they didnt have most of the stuff I had coupons/ looking to buy..But I made the best of it and did pretty darn good..
Total spent was $1.68. Pretty awesome!
Looking at all that theres not a ton of food but its defintley a good stock up.. My mom for easter sent me some Meat from Omaha Steak Co. So I am well stocked up on meat. I need to make a grocery run today to pick up some yeast for the crescent rolls I am making for easter and then fruits and veggies for the week.
So my grand total so far is $9.41 leaving me 15.59 till next friday.. I think it is doable :)
1 comment:
Melissa! How do you do the coupon thing? I need to save money! I'm such a bad spender. Tell me! or Teach me! Call me you loser! It's been forever!
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