Still no word about the house, altough its ONLY been 2 weeks. They say these can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months. It sort of feels like I didnt even put an offer down, let alone am working to buy a house. I have had some pretty good dreams about getting the keys and converstations with the real estate agent. I am hopeful!
This is my last Saturday of the school year! I am so excited to be done with this school year. It has been eventful, a little more challenging than last year. Which is hard to believe with all that I had on my plate last year. I am just glad it is almost over. I have had a few thank you cards from some of my seniors, thanking me for teaching them skills that they will forever use. It feels SO good to hear that you are really touching their lives! Teaching is so hard, but when you actually see the changes in kids lives it makes it SO worth it! I hope that I can save up for a Scholarship that I can give to a student each year, to use to further their education.
My summer is going to be jam packed with lots of traveling and hopefully moving :) But trust me I will be doing a lot of reading, sun bathing, and just relaxing. Thursday I should be done with school by noon, after which I will put on my swim suit on and soak up those UV rays!
1 comment:
That will be so cool to have you own place and getting the whole summer off. I hope you enjoy it!
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